Benefits of Glutathione
- Increases energy
- Improves mental focus and clarity
- Greatly improves the skin and scarring
- Slows down the aging process
- Reduces muscle and joint discomfort
- Strengthens the immune system
- Erases age spots
- Detoxifies the liver and cells
- Improves quality of sleep
- Reduces the effects of stress
- Improves Athletic Performance and Recovery
Glutathione … The most powerful antioxidant
Glutathione, or GSH, is a naturally occurring protein that protects every cell, tissue, and organ from toxic free radicals and diseases. The supplement contains three amino acids: glycine, glutamate (glutamic acid) and cysteine. GSH supplements contain a high concentration of cysteine and have many of the same proteins found in breast milk which enhances immune system function. This powerful antioxidant helps to repair damaged cells caused by stress, radiation, pollution, infection and a host of other ailments. Throughout the stages of aging, cells begin to lose their ability to repair themselves and produce strong antioxidants. Benefiting your body with glutathione supplements increases levels of this naturally occurring antioxidant.
Side effects:
Overall skin lightening.
Recommended Use:
Administered twice a week.
Optional maintenance: Once every 2 weeks
$39 / Injection (Consultation Included)
One Month Therapy: $189
Two Month Therapy: $289
More about Glutathione:
From Dr Hyman: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mark-hyman/glutathione-the-mother-of_b_530494.html