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One Month Weight Loss Program

With a 92% Success Rate

Lose Weight Naturally

And Keep it off…

Everything You Need To Succeed

Lipotropic Fat Burning Injections

Our Lipotropic injections are a series of amino acids used to increase your metabolism and help your body burn fat at a faster rate than usual.

B12 Energy Injections

B12 is given to offset the fatigue and low energy most dieter experience during dieting. Most dieters don’t realize they are deficient in B12 and therefore feel tired all day. B12 will give you an energy boost.

Appetite Suppressants

One month of all natural appetite suppressants, these are given to those that need the extra help to control their cravings throughout the day.

Nutritional Consultation

This is a one-on-one consultation to ensure that you are healthy enough to start an intensive Weight Loss program. At our nutritional consult, you will be taught how to eat, not what to eat. We want to improve your eating habits to ensure long term success. We do not offer or sell powders, meals, bars or shakes.
Start Your Weight Loss Journey Today
Our Lipotropic injections will increase your metabolism and help to burn fat (targets the midsection). The B12 injections increase energy and promote better mood. The all natural appetite suppressants will ensure your cravings are minimal. Our Weight Loss diet plan booklet includes tips and tricks on what to eat and rules to live by. We guarantee a minimum 10 pound weight loss or your second month is free. Our program has a 92% success rate. Appointment Required.
What’s Included

1) Nutritional consultation –  This is a one-on-one consultation to ensure that you are healthy enough to start an intensive Weight Loss program. At our nutritional consult, you will be taught how to eat, not what to eat. We want to improve your eating habits to ensure long term success. We do not offer or sell powders, meals, bars or shakes.

2) One month of all natural appetite suppressants –  These are given to those that need the extra help to control their cravings throughout the day.

3) Weekly fat-burning lipotropic injections –  Our Lipotropic injections are a series of amino acids used to increase your metabolism and help your body burn fat at a faster rate then usual.

4) Weekly energy-boosting B12 injections –  B12 is given to offset the fatigue and low energy most dieter experience during dieting. Most dieters don’t realize they are deficient in B12 and therefore feel tired all day. B12 will give you an energy boost.

5) Vitals Check –  Vitals are checked weekly to ensure good health.

6) Weight-loss diet plan booklet –  This is a booklet of tips and tricks given to ensure success and help you on your weight loss journey. Our disciplined approach will ensure your weight loss is long term and the weight stays off.

Average Weight Loss

12-16 lbs


Recommended Visits

Once per week


